
Salt Lake City Truck Accident Lawyer

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Are you suffering life-altering injuries from a truck accident? Or have you lost a family member to a negligent truck driver?

Surviving a truck accident is a traumatic experience for the victim. Not only can it cause long-term physical damage, but it can also inflict traumatic memory that could negatively affect a victim’s daily life.

Accident victims are entitled to receive money to help them recover from the damages they sustained. Unfortunately, some victims don’t get the compensation they deserve.

Our experienced Salt Lake City truck accident lawyer can help you prevent this from happening. Parker & McConkie is an established personal injury law firm with more than four decades of professional experience.

We have been helping countless victims file personal injury claims, maximize compensation, and pursue justice. Our successful and extensive track record speaks for itself.

Contact us if you have suffered injuries in a Salt Lake City truck accident to know if you have a valid personal injury claim. Reach us at (385) 220-0383 or through our online contact form.

Table of Contents

Contact a Team of Aggressive Salt Lake City Truck Accident Lawyers


Following a serious truck accident, it’s vital to speak with an experienced Salt Lake City personal injury attorney. Our Salt Lake City truck accident law firm has helped many victims receive the compensation they deserve.

Our personal injury lawyers will investigate your case, gather evidence, and build a strong claim on your behalf.

Standing up against big insurance companies is not a new thing for us. We’ll fight tooth and nail to get you the money you need to cover your damages.

How Our Experienced Salt Lake City Semi-Truck Accident Lawyer Can Help You

Parker & McConkie has been running since 1978. Throughout these years, we have been helping thousands of injury victims pursue justice, recover damages, and hold the defendant accountable for their injuries. Here’s how we can help you:

  • Case investigation: We will meticulously evaluate all possible sides of your case and proceed with the best legal option.
  • Evidence recovery: You must manifest solid and compelling evidence when proving your truck accident claim. We can help you do just that. Our Salt Lake City truck accident attorney will help you obtain medical records, CCTV footage, police documentation, or any proof relevant to your case.
  • Damage negotiation: Our experienced truck accident attorneys are skillful negotiators. Negotiating with large insurance companies is no stranger to us. With our help, you will obtain maximum and fair compensation.
  • Legal representation: Most truck accident cases resolve without going to court. Unfortunately, it’s not the same for everyone. Our Salt Lake City personal injury law firm has a successful track record of plaintiff representation.

Why You Should Hire a Salt Lake City Trucking Accident Lawyer


A truck accident is not like a simple car accident. Often, truck accidents are more catastrophic, deadly, and complicated than car accidents. Because of this, seeking the help of Salt Lake City truck accident lawyers is advantageous in such cases.

More involved parties: Truck collisions usually involve parties other than the defendant and the plaintiff. The truck manufacturer, the driver’s employer, and the trucking company are also involved in these cases.

Expert skillset: When you hire a lawyer, you pay for their skillset and experience. Lawyers with expertise in semi-truck crashes are more likely to deliver a successful outcome when handling your case.

Legal strategy: An effective legal strategy is a key to winning legal battles. Hiring a skilled truck accident lawyer can help you devise an effective legal plan for your case.

Legal process assistance: Processing legal requirements is laborious, especially when recovering from life-threatening injuries. Our truck accident attorney will help you keep the legal groundwork running while you focus on making a full recovery.

Truck Accident Statistics in Utah

The United States Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) published crash statistics showing the occurrence of large truck accidents last 2019.

According to this report, trucking accidents took the lives of 5,005 individuals. This number is not significantly different from the previous year (5,006).

The data also shows an estimated 159,000 individuals suffered injuries in truck collision accidents. Most of the fatalities reported are from non-truck occupants (3,544 or 71%).

In Utah, 43 truck occupants and non-occupants suffered a catastrophic death from large truck accidents. The list below shows the year-by-year overview of truck accident fatalities in the state:

  • 2019: 43 fatalities (38 non-occupants and 5 occupants)
  • 2018: 37 fatalities (29 non-occupants and 8 occupants)
  • 2017: 36 fatalities (28 non-occupants and 8 occupants)
  • 2016: 20 fatalities (16 non-occupants and 4 occupants)
  • 2015: 37 fatalities (31 non-occupants and 6 occupants)

Critical Things You Must Do After Your Truck Accident in Salt Lake City

Following a catastrophic truck accident, it’s likely that you are still confused about what happened, and that’s normal.

We created a short guide below to help you prepare for this situation. Here are ten things you must do after surviving a truck collision.

Seek Medical Attention Right Away


Safety should be your priority after surviving a catastrophic truck accident. You must call 911 immediately once you are out in safety.

Even if you don’t have evident signs of bodily injury, you must not reject an assessment from the emergency medical team.

There are cases when an injury manifests its symptoms a few days after the accident.

Furthermore, you also need a copy of the medical report when you and your lawyer start filing your personal injury case.

Gather Evidence


Suppose that you are not severely injured. In that case, you can start gathering evidence at the accident scene.

You can take pictures, video, or ask for a copy of the CCTV footage showing how the truck collision occurred. Evidence is much easier to collect after the accident.

You can also request a copy of the police reports. Law enforcers must respond to and document every accident happening in the state. Your Salt Lake City truck accident lawyer can help you obtain a copy of this report.

Another vital piece of evidence you can use is witness testimonials. You don’t need to ask a witness to testify right away. You only need to obtain their contact information if the court requests witnesses.

Exchange Information with the Involved Parties


According to the law, both parties must provide each other’s contact and insurance information after an accident. In addition, commercial truck drivers must also provide their employer’s details.

If the other party is uncooperative, the responding law enforcer can obtain the information for you. A driver’s insurance and contact details are usually included in the police report.

Obtain Witnesses Information


As stated in the section above, witness testimony is a compelling piece of proof your party can manifest. Some witnesses may opt out from testifying before the court, so you need to gather as much witness contact as possible.

You don’t have to brief or speak with the witness about the accident. You only need to obtain their contact information if the court or your lawyer demands a witness testimony.

Work With a Salt Lake City Trucking Accident Attorney

Another important thing you need to do following a trucking accident is to find a reliable Salt Lake City truck accident lawyer to assist in your case.

A Salt Lake City truck accident attorney can help you with many things, such as filling out paperwork, negotiating with the insurance company, and representing you in court.

You must not sign any document related to the accident without consulting your lawyer first. The at-fault’s insurance company will likely request a recorded statement or offer a settlement. You should not provide or agree with these demands without prior legal counsel.

Obtain Proof That the Trucking Company Employed the Truck Driver

Commercial trucks are under the responsibility of an employer. If you were hit by a commercial truck, you could hold the truck driver’s employer liable for your injuries.

It would be best to obtain a copy of the truck driver’s contract or any document that will prove that they are working for the company. Your Salt Lake City truck accident lawyer can help you with this matter.

Draft a Demand Letter

Once you and your lawyer have built your case and collected a set of compelling proof, your party can start drafting the demand letter.

A demand letter is a document stating the facts of your case, the injuries you sustained, and how much compensation you are requesting.

Your lawyer will send this letter to the responsible party or their insurance company. The other side will have a limited time to respond to your demand. If they don’t, your party can take legal action and file a personal injury lawsuit.

File an Insurance Claim

If you’ve been severely hurt in a truck accident, it’s essential to file an insurance claim as soon as possible. An insurance claim will help you cover your medical expenses and other costs associated with the accident.

You may receive compensation for your serious injuries, damages, and losses. The amount of payment you receive will depend on the severity of your injuries and the extent of the damages.

Your lawyer can help you file the insurance claim and deal with the insurance company. They may try to offer a settlement, but you should not accept it without first consulting your Salt Lake City truck accident lawyer.

Decide Whether to Settle Your Claim

Most tractor-trailer accidents resolve without the need to go to court. Unfortunately, not all victims get the resolution they deserve in this manner. In that case, the court will take your claim and decide for your case.

What Commonly Causes Truck Accidents in Salt Lake City, UT?


There are countless reasons why truck accidents occur. Some factors are external (weather, road defects, truck condition, etc.), while some are driver-initiated (overspeeding, drunk driving, driver fatigue, etc.). Here are some of the most commonly documented factors in the Salt Lake City area:

Truck Driver Fatigue

Driver fatigue is one of the primary leading causes of truck accidents. When a driver is tired, their attention span and reaction time significantly decrease. This decline in alertness is why driver fatigue causes many motor accident fatalities.

In 2019, the NHTSA reported that driver fatigue caused over 697 fatalities nationwide. Drivers are required to have impeccable attentiveness to prevent catastrophic accidents.

Trucking companies must follow the hours-of-service (HOS) rules set by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). The federal government designed this law to ensure that drivers get enough rest between long hours of driving.

Drowsy Driving

Many truck drivers deliver their shipments before sunrise hours. This leaves them susceptible to fatigue and drowsy driving. In fact, the NHTSA documented that drowsy driving causes as many accidents as drunk driving.

Truck companies or employers must follow the FMCSA’s hours-of-service rules. These rules mandate how many hours a truck driver can be on the road.

According to the HOS, drivers must take a 10-hour straight rest after 11 hours of driving. The HOS provides different hour limit rules, such as the 14-hour limit and 60/70-hour limit.

Drug and Alcohol Use

Intoxicated driving causes many fatal crashes every year. In 2019 alone, 5,164 drivers who got into an accident are reported to be driving under the influence.

Utah is the first and only state with a .05% BAC limit in the entire country. Most states follow the federal rule allowing drivers to drive with a BAC lower than .08%. Drivers caught with a BAC of .05%, or higher will face DUI charges.

Commercial truck drivers are not exempted from this rule. In fact, they’re held to a higher standard as their vehicles weigh more than 10,000 pounds. This weight puts them and other motorists at greater risk of severe injuries and fatalities.

Pressure from Employer

Many truck drivers feel pressure from their employers to deliver their shipments on time. This pressure prompts drivers to drive recklessly and ignore speed limits. In some cases, drivers may even skip breaks to meet deadlines.

Trucking companies should create a safe working environment for their drivers. This includes ensuring that drivers are not under any pressure to meet unrealistic deadlines. Employers and companies must provide reasonable break times to replenish and avoid fatigue.

Vehicle Malfunction

Truck parts failure also leads to severe accidents. These malfunctions are often due to poor vehicle maintenance. Trucking companies must ensure that their vehicle is regularly inspected and maintained.

The most common truck part failures are brake loss, tire blowouts, and engine troubles. Regular truck maintenance is the key to preventing these failures and avoiding accidents.

Speeding and Reckless Driving

Overspeeding and improper lane changes are also common causes of truck accidents. In 2019, almost 20% of reported large truck drivers involved in a fatal accident had at least one speeding conviction.

Truck drivers have a limited line of sight. Often, they cannot see small vehicles or bikes beside them. This restricted side vision makes changing lanes a difficult task for truck drivers.

What Are the Most Common Injuries in a Salt Lake City Truck Accident?


Spinal cord injuries: Damages to the spinal cord are some of the most severe and life-threatening injuries. These injuries can cause paralysis, loss of sensation, and chronic pain. In some cases, spinal cord damages are untreatable.

Broken bones: Fractures or broken bones are usually seen in truck accidents. Often, these injuries require surgery and long-term rehabilitation.

Traumatic brain injuries: Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can be mild, moderate, or severe. Injuries to the brain can cause long-term cognitive problems, personality changes, and chronic headaches. Symptoms of TBI often appear days after the accident.

Crushing injuries: A crushing injury is caused by the entrapment of a body part. These types of injuries can cause organ damage, paralysis, and amputation.

Head and neck injuries: Head and neck injuries are also common in truck accidents. These injuries can cause severe pain, dizziness, and loss of sensation. Whiplash is the most commonly reported neck injury in motor vehicle accidents.

Who Can Be Held Liable for My Truck Accident Injuries?

It’s not easy to determine liability, especially in truck accidents. This is because many parties could be held liable for the accident. The victim can hold the truck driver, the trucking company, and the truck manufacturer responsible for the accident.

  • The truck driver: Driver negligence is the root cause of most truck accidents. Drivers who are speeding, driving recklessly, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol can be held liable for the accident.
  • The company or employer: The victim or the court can appoint the responsibility to the driver’s employer if they fail to provide fair working conditions to their employees. The company can also be held responsible if it does not conduct a driver’s background check.
  • The truck manufacturer: The truck manufacturer’s responsibility is to ensure their products are safe for use. If their substandard product caused the accident, the victim could hold them liable for damages.
  • A third-party involvement: There are times when a third party is involved in the accident. A third party could be a mechanic who worked on the truck or another driver on the road.

Compensatory Damages You Can Recover in a Salt Lake City Truck Accident Claim


Truck accident victims might recover financial compensation from the liable party if they sustain catastrophic injuries. A victim may recover two types of damages: economic and non-economic.

Economic damages refer to compensation you can recover from a direct financial loss (e.g., medical bills, lost wages, property damages). Non-economic damages refer to recoverable compensation that doesn’t directly affect your finances (e.g., loss of consortium, pain, and suffering).

Lost wages or loss of potential income: Lost wages refer to work hours you lost for your recovery. In contrast, loss of potential income is recoverable if you sustained debilitating injuries which could prevent you from returning to work.

Medical bills and other medical expenses: Medical treatment, diagnostic expenses, therapy, doctor’s appointment fee, and pharmaceutical expenses are covered under this compensation. You can also recover compensation for future medical expenses if you require long-term treatment.

Property damage: You can recover the cost to repair or replace any property damaged in the accident.

Pain and suffering: Pain and suffering are non-economic damages that cover the physical pain and emotional distress they sustained from the accident.

Loss of consortium: Loss of consortium is non-economic damage compensating the victim’s surviving spouse for the loss of companionship, love, and affection due to the accident.

Punitive damages: The court awards punitive damages to negligent truck drivers whose recklessness caused life-threatening injuries.

Why Choose Parker & McConkie to Handle Your Salt Lake City Truck Accident Claim

  • More than 90% success rate: Our experienced Salt Lake City truck accident lawyers have a consistent track record of winning cases. Our Salt Lake City personal injury law firm has an over 90% success rate and has recovered millions of dollars in compensation for our clients.
  • No win, no pay: To show our dedication to our clients, we offer our services on a contingency fee basis. We will not collect any fees if we don’t win your case.
  • 40+ years of experience: We have over four decades of experience handling various personal injury cases. We are experienced in local and federal legal processes and will use our knowledge to your advantage.
  • Expert negotiators: We helped countless victims recover millions in compensation or settlement. Our team of lawyers is seasoned negotiators, and we don’t back away from large insurance corporations.
  • Guaranteed client satisfaction: We offer quality legal assistance and will exhaust all possible means to help you obtain the justice you deserve.

Salt Lake City Truck Accident FAQs

What is my Salt Lake City truck accident case worth?

Accident cases have varying worth depending on the case’s complexity, the total amount of recoverable damages, and shared fault. Experienced truck accident attorneys can help you estimate an accurate amount of your recoverable damages.

What is the statute of limitations for a truck accident claim in Salt Lake City, UT?

Utah Code Ann. §78B-2-307 states that victims have up to four years to file a claim against the responsible defendant. You must file a personal injury claim as soon as you can. Waiting for a long time may affect the viability of your proof.

Can I still recover damages even if I am partially liable for my semi-truck accident in Salt Lake City?

According to Utah Code Ann. § 78B-5-818(2), the state follows the modified comparative negligence rule. This regulation means that victims whose shared fault is more than 50% may not recover any amount of compensation.

Is it worth getting a Salt Lake City truck accident lawyer?

Utah personal injury attorneys are experienced professionals who can help you even the playing field. Hiring a lawyer in an injury case is more of a necessity than an advantage.

How much does it cost to hire a truck accident attorney?

Our Salt Lake City truck accident attorney works on a contingency fee arrangement. This arrangement allows you to avail the service of our experienced truck accident lawyer without paying any upfront fees. You don’t have to pay unless we receive a settlement, award, or judgment.

What if the accident caused the death of my loved one?

Family members of the deceased victim may file a personal injury case and a wrongful death case against the at-fault party. Your lawyer can help you handle the legal requirements for these cases for a seamless process.

Truck Accident Lawyer Near Me | Contact Parker & McConkie to Speak with a Truck Accident Attorney for a Free Consultation


Being involved in a truck accident could cause you a lot of physical and mental suffering. In cases where a negligent truck driver puts your life in peril, you must contact our law firm so we can help you pursue compensation for the damages caused by the accident.

Our top-notch Salt Lake City truck accident lawyers offer a free case evaluation and contingency payment. Hire a reliable, experienced, and competent lawyer without breaking your pocket. Call our personal injury law firm now at (801) 980-9708. You can also reach us by completing our contact form.

Call 801-845-0440 to get in touch with a member of our firm after your accident. We can review your case for free!

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Meet the Attorneys

Attorney Steve Jensen

Attorney Jim McConkie

Attorney Brad Parker

Attorney Brian Stewart

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