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Parker & McConkie Personal Injury Lawyers

Utah Boat Accident Lawyer

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Utah Boat Accident Lawyer

Boating in Utah offers the opportunity to enjoy fun activities on the many diverse lakes and reservoirs throughout the state. Utah has more than 100 waterways that are considered boatable bodies of water.  

Boating statutes require boat operators and passengers to follow the rules and regulations, whether boating on Lake Powell, Bear Lake, Strawberry Reservoir, Flaming George, Utah Lake, or another waterway. Boats can be dangerous, like any other vehicle. Contact our boating attorney at Parker & McConkie Personal Injury Lawyers today if you believe you have a claim after a boating accident. Call us at (801) 845-0440.

Consult With Our Experienced Utah Boating Accident Lawyer for Legal Guidance

Accidents that occur while boating on Utah’s waterways can be frightening. They can result in property damage and serious injury. The number of boating accidents that occur each year places Utah among the states with the highest number of boating accidents.  

Our aggressive, dedicated team of boating accident lawyers at Parker & McConkie helps recover the compensation you deserve after a Utah boating accident. Contact us today at (801) 845-0440 to consult with our experienced personal injury attorneys. 

How Often Do Boating Accidents Occur?

The U.S. Coast Guard compiles statistics related to reported boating accidents from accident reports. The U.S. Coast Guard then publishes the statistics in the annual Boating Statistics publication.

The American Boating Association published statistics from the U.S. Coast Guard that reveal the deaths, injuries, and damages that occurred because of boating accidents. There were 5,265 accidents, 767 deaths, and 3,191 injuries in 2020. There was approximately $62.5 million in property damage due to boating accidents. Comparing these statistics with 2019, you will learn that there was a significant increase in deaths, injuries, and property damage in 2020.

The U.S. Coast Guard boat accident statistics for 2021 indicate that there were 4,439 accidents involving 658 deaths, 2,641 injuries, and approximately $67.5 million in property damage.

The 43 boat accidents that occurred in Utah included 9 fatal accidents. Twenty-two accidents occurred that resulted in non-fatal injuries. The boating accident report statistics reveal that 11 people died. There was $1,201,800.00 in damages. Several sources list Utah among the “most accident-prone boating states.”

Most boat accidents occur during warmer months. Boating accidents do not happen more often when there are large boats on the waterways with large waves and strong winds. The Utah Department of Natural Resources indicates that most boat accidents involving fatalities occur on smaller boats under 21 feet when there are light winds and waves smaller than two feet.

Contact our Utah boat accident attorney to learn how we can help you to receive the best possible outcome for your boat accident claim.

Leading Causes of Boating Accidents

Leading Causes of Boating Accidents

Boat accidents often occur because of operator negligence. There are several leading causes of Utah boat accidents involving jet skis. The most common causes of accidents listed by the U.S. Coast Guard and primary causes of boat accidents that resulted in deaths include the following: 

  • Operator inattention or inexperience;
  • Improper lookout;
  • Excessive speed;
  • Alcohol use; and
  • Navigation rules violation.

These primary causes of accidents on Utah’s waterways often result in the need for injured parties to seek medical attention. If you are involved in a boat accident, whether in Salt Lake City or elsewhere in the state, seek medical care. People sometimes experience injuries that they cannot see, including catastrophic injuries.

Our personal injury attorneys at Parker & McConkie Personal Injury Lawyers help people receive maximum compensation for their injuries, including payment for medical bills and lost wages.

Do not think you can handle your boat accident claim yourself without the assistance of an experienced attorney who knows boating laws. Do you know maritime law? What are the statutes related to your claim? Do you know how to gather and present evidence?

Parker & McConkie personal injury lawyers know how to reach the best possible resolution for boat accident cases.

Case Investigation

Case Investigation

We will work to contact witnesses, interview the parties involved, and know how to gather and present a recorded statement. The details of every boating accident vary according to several factors. Our attorneys understand the difficulty in determining fault, especially when the other party has attorneys and an insurance company who do not want to pay the compensation you deserve.

Our law firm knows the legal process required to determine fault in accidents involving boats or jet skis and to provide eyewitness testimony statements. We will gather evidence to help bring your case to a successful resolution. We will perform a comprehensive case investigation that allows you to recover compensation for the full extent of your injuries and property damages.

Determining Accident Liability

he U.S. Coast Guard explains that 77 percent of deaths occurred in accidents where the boat operator did not receive boating safety instructions. The state requires a mandatory youth certification course for personal watercraft.

Boaters, not residents of the state, must complete the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Aquatic Invasive Species Education Course.

Failure of boaters to complete required courses and then being involved in accidents may contribute to determining liability.

Liability depends on factors such as whether the boat driver or other passengers followed the rules and regulations for boating and jet skis in the water. Was the other party under the influence of alcohol or other drugs? Did they fail to follow safety precautions or have faulty safety equipment? 

Speak to our personal injury lawyer to learn how accident liability affects your case. 

Estimating Recoverable Damages

Estimating Recoverable Damages

It is essential to understand that the recoverable damages for your case differ from that of another case. Our Salt Lake City boat accident lawyer will carefully consider the facts of your case, including law violation on the part of the other boat operator, when estimating recoverable damages.

Building a Personal Injury Claim

Building a personal injury claim requires careful evaluation of the facts and physical evidence.

The damages estimate may change as your case progresses and your attorney negotiates with the other party.

Initiating a Lawsuit

Do not attempt to initiate a lawsuit on your own if you want to reach the best possible outcome in your case. Our boat accident lawyers have the expertise to create a lawsuit and likely make the difference between a successful resolution and no resolution.

The Relevance of Utah Statute of Limitations in a Boating Accident Case

You have limited time to file your case. The statute of limitations is 4 years. The Utah Chapter 18 – State Boating Act requires that boat owners register their boats, that boaters comply with safety rules and regulations, and that boats have necessary safety equipment. 

Boaters at fault for accidents face penalties described in Section 73-18-12 through Section 73-18-13.5.  

Do not let the statute of limitations expire.

Schedule Your Free Consultation With Our Utah Boating Accident Attorney Today

Schedule Your Free Consultation With Our Utah Boating Accident Attorney Today

Scheduling your free consultation with our attorney today gets the ball rolling on your case. Contact us to discuss how to recover compensation for your medical bills from your immediate medical attention, future medical treatments, lost wages, and other losses.  

Parker & McConkie personal injury lawyers provide legal representation to people who have personal injury cases with injuries and other damages. Call us today at (801) 845-0440.  

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