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Parker & McConkie Injury Blog

How is a Brain Injury valued?

By Steven Jensen
December 10, 2021
How is a Brain Injury valued

Many people suffer brain injuries in accidents. Most common are mild traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Consequently, this post primarily discusses mild TBI. TBI is still one of the most underappreciated injuries. Juries, societies, insurance adjusters, and even some doctors, tend to underestimate the impact that a brain injury, even a mild brain injury, has one […]

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Stop Driving Distracted.

By Steven Jensen
December 10, 2021
Stop Driving Distracted

I saw something that shocked me yesterday and felt the need to write this post. On my way home from work, I was stopped at a red light. I looked over to my right and saw a woman watching a show on her cell phone that was suctioned to the windshield under the rear-view mirror. […]

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Don’t wait to hire an attorney

By Steven Jensen
December 10, 2021
dont wait to hire and attorney

You may have heard an advertisement from a personal injury attorney say, “Don’t wait. Hire us now,” or “Call right away.” For personal injury cases, this is not just an advertisement ploy. It is critical that you get an attorney involved right away. Waiting months or even weeks can make all the difference in the […]

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Personal Injury Client

First, you want an attorney in the right area of practice. Look for an attorney that practices only in the area that you need representation for. In the medical world, if you have a brain injury, you wouldn’t go to a foot doctor, you’d go to a brain doctor. The legal world is the same. […]

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Is it wrong to hire a personal injury attorney

Almost every time I meet a client for the first time, he or she says to me, “I’m not the suing type.” Most people feel embarrassed, even if a little bit, to meet with a personal injury attorney to discuss recouping money for their injuries and losses. I’d like to pull the curtain back a […]

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Personal Injury Client

Although everyone’s experience is different, many of the same questions and concerns come up with each of my clients. Here are answers to a few of those questions. 1. Do I have a case? This depends on three main factors: fault, insurance, and injuries. First, you can’t be the one at fault. In most states, if […]

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Insurance Claim Form

The decisions you make after a personal injury accident can either increase or decrease the value of your injury claim. You want to present the best claim to the insurance company that will get you a fair result for all that you’ve been through. This guide gives you some simple ideas to increase the value […]

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Questions about personal injury cases

Many personal injury clients come to us with very similar questions. They’ve been injured due to someone else’s bad decision. Read this list of frequently asked questions if you’ve been injured and aren’t sure where to turn. 1. Why should I hire a personal injury attorney if I’m injured? If you are injured in an […]

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Questions From My Injured Clients 02

As accident lawyers, we talk to numerous accident victims everyday about their personal injury case. We often hear the same questions and concerns. Although everyone’s personal injury case is different, many of the same issues come up with each of these injured people. Here are answers to some of these common questions. For a more […]

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Work Injury Claim Form

Thousands of hard working people are injured on the job each day. Workplace accidents are catastrophic when heavy equipment is involved. It may take weeks, months, or even years to recover from those workplace injuries. Some injuries are so severe and permanent that the worker may never be able to work again. Here are some […]

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